First Published: June 6, 2020 | Last Updated: January 24, 2021 | Author: Jan Daniel




In compliance with the provisions of art. 22.2 of Law 34 /2002 on the Information Society (LSSI ) , we inform you that from Bananapalmbay for proper navigation and use of this site it requires the installation of technical and analytical cookies.


You can choose to consent or not to the installation of cookies , if you do not agree , browsing the page can not be correct, causing problems at the time of purchase on- line , on record anywhere and / or viewing of multimedia content .


What are Cookies?


Cookies are small text files that store user information and which stores on your own device either PC , tablet or mobile .


Who issues the cookies and for what?


Cookies are issued by a website in order to improve the user’s browsing experience , as well as for analysis anonymously of their actions within the web . Cookies allow the website that issued the cookies the recall elections and user navigation features .


What types of cookies are there?


Cookies can be categorized according to 3 criteria:


Entity that manages the cookies: If they own cookies or third parties.

Time cookies remaining active : session or persistent cookies .

According to its purpose.

Technique Cookies.

Customization Cookies.

Analysis Cookies.

Advertising Cookies.

Behavioral advertising Cookies

How do I manage the cookies of my devices ?


You choose whether to accept cookies from being installed on their devices or not. You can choose the direct blocking of the installation of the cookies from your browser , and you can also choose to install one and deleting others.


How to configure your cookies depends on your browser:


Microsoft internte Explorer: View / Internet Options / Privacy menu.


Mozilla Firefox : Tools / Options / Privacy / custom history settings / choose to use the cookies you want.


Chrome: Settings / Options / Content Settings / Cookies / Choose whether you want or not the local data storage.


Safari: Preferences / Privacy / block cookies (or not)


These settings may not be available on mobile devices such as smartphones or tables .


If you use another browser other than the above , check your policy installation, about use and block of cookies.




Bananapalmbay and Google Analytics


In order to improve the services we provide / supply of our products, we use the web analytics service Gloogle Inc. : Google analytics , which allows us to track ANONYMOUS actions of users on our website .


The cookies that are installed when you use google analytics service are:



2 years _utma lets us know what browser they use and so users can optimize our website for those browsers .

_utmb 30 minutes Identifies unique users for statistical purposes , so we know how many real  visits has our web .

_utmc expires at the end of the session allows to identify unique users for statistical purposes , so we know how many visits has the actual web



Google , Inc. has its servers in the United States, but is found attached to the agreement of Puerto Seguro ( Safe Harbor) by ensuring compliance with basic standards of data protection and information security in accordance with European regulations . In the following link you can find everything related to the privacy policy and cookies  of google analytics


If you do not want to be tracked by cookies Gloogle Analytics, you can download the add-on created by google for this:


Bananapalmbay and

The website uses cookies from Here is a explanation of which types of cookies we use.

There are up to ten (10) unique “first party” cookies and one (1) “third party” cookie that the Service will install on a web browser when a visitor views a site with the tracking code (“Code”) installed.

“First party” cookies are created by the Code and hence are tied to your web site domain. “Third party” cookies are set via HTTP headers by our tracking servers and are tied to our tracking domain(s).

Most cookies can be disabled, as explained at the bottom of this section.

Note: “[site_id]” below represents the unique numeric ID that every registered site is assigned on Clicky. It will always be a number, such as “123”.

  • _jsuid: This is a random number that is generated by the Code the first time someone visits a web site with the Code installed. Its sole purpose is to better identify new and unique visitors to a web site. The value of this cookie is sent to the Service for every event logged. The value of this cookie will also be set as a third party cookie with the name of “cluid” if such a cookie does not exist. The purpose of this is for web sites with multiple domains and who want to track visitor sessions across multiple domains, which is not possible with first party cookies. These cookies expire after 20 years.


  • _eventqueue: This cookie stores an array of mouse events that can’t be guaranteed to be logged to our servers before the current page is unloaded. The purpose is to store these events in a queue so on the subsequent page view, these events can be processed and logged. This is a session cookie so it will expire when the visitor leaves your web site.


  • _custom_data_[key]: This cookie only gets set if you are using our custom data tracking feature. Whenever you set custom data for a session, we put it in a cookie so every time that visitor comes back to your site in the future, the same data will get attached to their new session, even if they don’t login or follow whatever processed was used to originally declare these variables. Note: Each piece of data you attach has a ‘key’ and a ‘value’, so each unique key will be its own cookie. For example, _custom_data_email or _custom_data_username. This cookie can be disabled by setting thesticky_data_disable tracking option.


  • _referrer_og: This cookie stores the external referrer for a visitor, so that on future visits the same referrer will be attached to their sessions. This cookie expires after 90 days but will be set again or updated on future visits if they arrive at your site from a link on another site, whether or not it’s the same referrer. When this cookie is updated, the expiration date is reset to 90 days from the time of the new visit. This cookie can be disabled by setting the sticky_data_disable tracking option.


  • _utm_og: This cookie stores dynamic (UTM) campaign variables, so that on future visits the same campaign data will be attached to their sessions. This cookie expires after 90 days but will be set again or updated on future visits if they arrive at your site with campaign data in the URL. When this cookie is updated, the expiration date is reset to 90 days from the time of the new visit. This cookie can be disabled by setting the sticky_data_disabletracking option.


  • _first_pageview: This cookie is set on the first page view of a session. It is used to make our tracking code more efficient, so certain processes are only run on a visitor’s initial page view. It expires after 10 minutes.


  • heatmaps_g2g_[site_id]: This cookie tells our tracking code to log data about where a visitor is clicking on a site to send back to our servers and later used to generate a heatmap report of clicks on that page. If you disable cookies, heatmap data cannot be logged. This is a session cookie so it will expire when the visitor leaves your web site.


  • unpoco_[site_id]: The Code sends “pings” when a visitor sits on a single page. This allows the Service to more accurately track “time on site” values. Because this feature uses a lot of extra bandwidth, it requires a paid account. For non-paid accounts, this cookie is set to tell the Code not to send these pings. This cookie expires after 24 hours but will be set again upon future visits by the same visitor.


  • no_tracky_[site_id]: When a site stops using the Service, it is quite common for the web master to leave the code installed, which is against the Terms of service. For high traffic sites, this can use a lot of extra bandwidth and CPU resources on our servers. This cookie is set whenever data is sent in for a site that is disabled. It tells our tracking code to stop sending data to us. This cookie expires after 24 hours but will be set again upon future visits by the same visitor, until the Code is removed from the offending web site.


  • clicky_olark: This cookie gets set if you are using Olark chat in combination with Clicky. It contains Olark’s unique ID information for the visitor. This cookie is sent to the Service, which is needed in order to initiate the chat process within Spy. This is a session cookie so it will expire when the visitor leaves your web site.


Cookies can be disabled by the following the instructions at

Also , you must keep in mind that third party cookies will be installed to all visitors of the following platforms where Bananapalmbay has a page and / or a Company Profile :


Facebook : Cookies, pixels and other similar technologies

Twitter: Policy Privacy & cookies

